The Hallowell-Ratey Criteria for A DD from page 14 of Thom Hartmann's Complete Guide to ADHD In 1992, psychiatrists Edward M. Halowell and John J. Ratey developed, through years of clinical practice, study, and observation, their own set of criteria for spotting probable ADD, particularly in adults. While this isn't an "official" set of diagnostic criteria, since its first appearance in their book Driven to Distraction it has become both lay people and clinicians measure the probably of a person having ADD. In publishing this, they added this caveat: "The following criteria are suggested only. They are based upon our clinical experience and constitute what we consider to be the most commonly encountered symptoms in adults with Attention Defict Disorder. These criteria have not been validated by field trials, and should be regarded as only as a clinical guide. Consider a criterian as met only if the behavior is considerably more frequent than ...