The Connection between High Sensitivity, High Cortisol/Low Serotonin, Vestibular/Inner Problems, Neurodivergent Conditions

 The Connection between High Sensitivity, High Cortisol/Low Serotonin, Vestibular/Inner Problems, Neurodivergent Conditions


In page 28 of her book, THE HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON, Dr. Elaine Aron noted that the body fluids (blood, urine, saliva) of highly sensitive children show indications of high levels of norepinephrine present in their brains, especially after the children are exposed to various forms of stress in the laboratory. Norepinephrine is associated with arousal; in fact, it is the brain's version of adrenaline. She also noted that highly sensitive children's body fluids also contain more cortisol, both when under stress and when at home. Cortisol is the hormone present when under stress and when at home. Cortisol is the hormone present when one is in a more or less constant state of arousal or wariness.


Serotonin Imbalance in HSPs

What causes the stress symptoms of serotonin imbalance in highly sensitive people? HSP biology creates higher levels of cortisol and lower amounts of serotonin making it harder for HSPs to manage their normally high stress levels.


The Connection Between Ultras-sensitivity and LD/ADD

It is important to note that being highly sensitive does not mean you have a disorder. It is rather a characteristic or personality trait. Unfortunately, no research exists to link this particular theory to LD or ADD. However, Dr. Jean Ayres, Ph.D., with her concept of sensory integration, does present significant evidence of a link between ultra-sensitivity and LD/ADD (Sensory Integration International: FAQ). This theory describes dysfunction in processing information through the senses (touch, movement, smell, taste, vision, and hearing).

Research indicates that up to 70% of children with learning problems experience characteristics of this sort (Sensory Integration International: FAQ). So it is conceivable that LD/ADD adults are more neurologically susceptible to being highly sensitive individuals.


Enhanced Cortisol Stress in Children in Autism

Analysis showed significantly higher peak cortisol levels and prolonged duration and recovery of cortisol elevation following the blood-stick stressor in children with autism. This study suggests increased reactivity of the HPA axis to stress and novel stimuli in children with autism.



Ever since the early 1970's, Dr. Harold Levinson’s groundbreaking research has continued to demonstrate that the symptoms of Dyslexia and related Learning Disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit, and related Phobic Disorders are due to a simple signal-scrambling disturbance of inner-ear (cerebellar-vestibular) origin.

As a result of one primary signal-scrambling dysfunction of inner-ear/cerebellar origin, there often results a wide range of reading and non-reading symptoms in dyslexia involving 15+ major areas of functioning. Reading, Writing, Spelling, Math, Memory, Grammar, Speech, Direction, Time, ADD/ADHD, Balance/Coordination, Psychosomatic, Self-esteem/Body Image, Moon/Depression, Socialization, Emotions/Expression, Thinking/Cognition.



Interactions between Stress and Vestibular Compensation

Stress may influence central vestibular function in health and disease either directly through the actions of glucocorticoids (cortisol and corticosterone) on ion channels and neurotransmission in the brain, or indirectly through the effects of stress-related neuroactive substances (e.g., histamine, neurosteroids) on these structures. In the periphery stress hormones also regulate the function of ion transporters and ionic homeostasis in the inner ear, while in some conditions the anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids may also come into play.


Effect of stress-related hormones on inner ear fluid homeostasis and function.

There is good evidence to suggest that stress-related hormones such as epinephrine can alter inner ear fluid homeostasis and auditory function. This study confirmed this hypothesis and illuminated the processes of alteration by demonstrating specific changes in perilymph composition and auditory function.


Stress And The Toxic Hormone Cortisol

When we experience stress, it causes an elevated level of the toxic hormone cortosol, and children are less able to deal with stress.Studies show that the toxic effect of excessive cortisol resulting from stress, has an effect on the brain. Note: The effects can be lasting if stress happens over a long period of time. This hormone was found to be one of the major causes of behavior problems, learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, hyperactivity, ext), confusion, and impaired thinking in adults and in children. This hormone effects children's ability to learn.


Danger: Stress and The Dyslexic Brain

What happens when dyslexics are forced to learn in environments which do not fit their brain plan; managed by people whose own neurological makeup is very different from those they attempt to teach. The answer is stress and lots of it!Imagine waking up each and every day and having to go into a world where you felt you did not fit in and where those in authority saw you as "damaged?"Welcome to a day in the world a dyslexic. Each day a dyslexic sits in the traditional classroom with someone running their fingernails down the board...all day long! Over time, the double mismatch problem makes the classroom a very hostile place to the visual-dominant dyslexic brain; which in turn causes a dramatic, profound and extended biological stress response in the dyslexic learner. This is not good.


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