



Good nutrition is important for brain functioning. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to neurodivergent symptoms or aggravate neurodivergent conditions. Some people use medications to treat things that good nutrition can help resolve.



Vitamin A deficiencies


Sinus trouble, catarrh, ear abcess, skin blemishes, night blindness, xerosis, rough, dry skin, prematurely wrinkled skin, a poor sense of smell/taste and poor appetite, pneumonia, softening of bones and teeth, defective gums, sties in the eye, corneal ulcers, formation of gallstones or kidney stones, retarded growth in children, diarrhea, lack of stamina and vigor and sterility in both male and female




Vegetables: Alfafa meal, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, celery, chard, dandelion leaves, escarole, green lettuce, okra, green peppers, red peppers, sweet potatoes, spinach, hubbard squash, turnip greens and watercress


Fruits and Nuts: Dried apricots, fresh apricots, cherries, nectarines, yellow peaches, dried prunes and figs


Fish and Meat: Veal Kidney, mutton kidney, lamb, beef liver, calf liver, pig liver, oysters, tuna, sardines and salmon


Grains: Unknown


Dairy Products: Butter, cream cheese, whole eggs, egg yolks, whole dried milk and malted milk




Thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiencies


Tiredness, loss of appetite, emotional, instability, unexplained irritability, loss of mental alertness, labored breathing, cardiac damage, erratic heartbeat, slow heart rate, enlarged heart, indigestion, anorexia, severe and continuous constipation, gastric atony, neural problems like neuritis




Vegetables: Artichokes, green asparagus, dried pinto beans, kidney beans, lima beans, chick peas (garbanzos), sweet corn, lentils, watercress, okra, cabbage, radishes, turnip leaf juices and soybeans.


Fruits and Nuts: Coconut, grapefruit, lemons, pineapple, pomegranates, almonds, filberts, hazel nuts and peanuts.


Fish and Meat: Bacon, ham, beef heart, lamb, beef liver, lamb liver, pork and bologna


Grains: White cornmeal, whole-wheat flour, rye germ and wheat germ.


Dairy Products: Egg yolks



Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)deficiencies


Hypoglycemia, eyes have abnormal reaciton to light, blood shot eyes, mucous in eyes, bulbar conjunctivitis, hypoglycemia, trembling, dizziness  and sluggishness




Vegetables: Lima beans, beet greens, broccoli, chick peas (garbanzos), escarole, cabbage, mustard greens, soybeans, turnip greens and watercress


Fruits and Nuts: Dried apricots, blueberries, mangoes, dried prunes, tangerines and peanuts.


Fish and Meat: Beef, beef heart, beef kidney, veal kidney, mutton kidney, beef, calf, lamb, liver and pork


Grains: Rye germ and wheat germ


Dairy Products: Cheese, whole eggs, egg yolks, whole milk, dried milk and malted milk



Niacin(Vitamin B3)deficiencies


Depression, mental dullness, confusion, forgetfulness, disorientation, hallucinations, insomnia, nausea, vomiting




Vegetables: Green peas, mushrooms and watercress


Fruits and Nuts: Fresh apricots, avocados, fresh elderberries, dried dates, cooked rhubarb, carob,peanuts and sunflower seeds


Fish and Meat: Beef liver, beef heart, beef kidney, beef, rabbit, white turkey meat, white chicken meat, ham, halibut and tuna.


Grains: Whole-wheat flour, brown rice and wheat germ


Dairy Products: Unknown



Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)deficiencies


Fatigue, depression, irritability, dizziness, muscular weakness, stomach distress, constipation, adrenal exhaustion, cramping, lack of coordination, hypoglycemia, insomnia, stomach/intestinal disorders, burning, itching, painful feet




Vegetables: Lima beans, broccoli, raw cauliflower, chick peas (garbanzos), cooked lentils, mushrooms and soybeans.


Fruits and Nuts: Avocados, raw elderberries, orange juice, pineapple juice


Fish and Meat: Beef liver, beef kidney, beef heart, chicken heart, chicken liver, and lobster


Grains: Dark buckwheat flour, wheat bran and sesame-seed flour.


Dairy Products: Eggs and skim milk



Vitamin B6 deficiencies


Pancreas problems, diabetes, hypoglycemia, skin disorders, extremities going to sleep, cramps in fingers, swelling of the hands/feet, neural pathway disturbances




Vegetables: Raw soybeans, raw white beans, lima beans, lentils and green peas.


Fruits and Nuts: Bananas,walnuts, sunflower seeds, avocados,prunes and peanuts


Fish and Meat: Tuna, mackerel, salmon, beef liver, chicken liver, white chicken meat and lamb.


Grains: Wheat germ


Dairy Products: Skim milk.



Biotin (Vitamin B7) deficiencies


Dermatitis, flesh take on a grayish cast, hair falling out, dry skin, lack of appetite or energy, insomnia, depression, disturbed nervous system




Vegetables: Unknown


Fruits and Nuts: Nuts in general, red grapefruit, orange juice, raisins, fresh strawberriesand watermelon


Fish and meat: Lamb, veal, beef, kidney, chicken, liver, pork, herring, mackerel, sardines, sockeye salmon and tuna


Grains: Brown rice, rolled oats and bulgar wheat


Dairy Products: Milk, cooked eggs and cheese



Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)


Fatigue, bodily weakness, irritable behavior, insomnia, forgetfulness, intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, poor health growth, lackluster hair, balding or premature graying, mental depression bordering on schizophrenia, women can give premature birth, hemmorhage after birth and to incur toxemia, child's growth can be delayed, there can mental retardation

in child




Vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, beet greens, kale, endive, turnips, potatoes, broccoli, chard, black-eyed peas and lima beans.


Fruits and Nuts: Avocados, dried dates and plums


Fish and Meat: Liver, kidney and lamb.


Grains: Wheat Grain


Dairy Products: Cottage cheese



Vitamin B12  deficiencies


Sore or weak extremities, poor reflex action, exhaustion, diminished mental energy, loss of concentration, lethargy, difficulties with walking, stammering, tingling sensation in fingers, stiffness in body




Vegetables: Green peas


Fruits and nuts: Unsweetened prunes


Fish and Meat: Raw beef liver, chicken, raw beef kidney, raw beef heart, raw clams, raw oysters, crayfish, trout, herring, sardines and cooked crab.


Grains: Bran flakes and wheat flakes


Dairy Products: Yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, Swiss cheese and skim milk.



Inositol (Vitamin B17) deficiencies


Diabetes, loss of hair, abnormalities of the eyes, high blood cholesterol




Vegetables: Red kidney beans, mung bean sprouts, green peas, corn, and soybeans.


Fruits and Nuts - All nuts, boysenberries, grapefruit, orange juice, and apricot juice.


Meat and Fish: Beef brain, beef heart, and beef liver


Grains: Bulgar wheat, wheat germ, and brown rice


Dairy Products: Unknown



Bioflavonoids deficiencies


Bruising of the skin, problems with bleeding, irregular menstrual flow




Vegetables: Cabbage and green peppers


Fruits and Nuts: Lemons, oranges, tangerines, white grapes, plums, grapefruit, apricots, cherries, blackberries, plums, black currants and prunes


Meat and Fish: Unknown


Grains: Buckwheat


Dairy Products: Unknown



Vitamin C deficiencies


Scurvy, poor healing ability, nosebleeds, peptic and duodenal ulcers, reduction of hemoglobin that causes secondary anemia and impaired adrenal functions that bring about fatigue, irritability and exhaustion 




Vegetables: Alfalfa tablets, asparagus, brussel sprouts, carrots, chard, collards, tomatoes, turnip greens and watercress


Fruits and Nuts: Oranges, orange juice, lemon juice, tangerines, strawberries, almonds, bananas, blueberries, currants, cranberries, grapefruit, pineapple, cantaloupe and apple juice


Fish and Meat: Chicken liver, rabbit heart and liver


Grains: Unknown


Dairy Products: Skim Milk



Calcium deficiencies


Causes nerve fiber irritability and repetitive muscle spasms. Consequently, characteristic signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia include perioral paresthesia, twitching, carpopedal spasm, tetany, seizures and, possibly, cardiac arrhythmias. Although Chvostek’s and Trousseau’s signs are reliable indicators of hypocalcemia, they aren’t specific.




Vegetables: Chard, watercress, cauliflower, broccoli, endive, kohlrabi, rutabaga, spinach, turnips, parsnips, carrots, rhubarb, green beans, lettuce, onions, soybeans, alfalfa sprouts, beet greens, celery, chick peas (garbanzos), collards, flax seed, kidney beans, lentils, okra and tomatoes


Fruits and Nuts: Almonds, avocados, dried apricots, bananas, cranberries, coconuts, currants, dates, figs, grapefruit, lemons, limes, plums, peaches, prunes, pineapple, raisins, raspberries and black walnuts.


Meat and Fish: Oysters, shrimp, lobster, liver and broiled chicken.


Grains: Soy flour


Dairy Products: Buttermilk, most cheeses, evaporated milk and skim milk



Chlorine deficiencies


Loss of hair or teeth, poor muscle contraction, impaired digestion




Vegetables: lettuce, spinach, cabbage, parsnips, asparagus,carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and onions


Fruits and Nuts: Dates, coconuts, bananas, pineapple, grapes, oranges and lemons


Fish and Meat: Oysters, salmon, fish in general and meat in general, particularly the organs.


Grains: Whole wheat


Dairy Products: Cheese, whites of eggs, milk and egg yolks



Chromium deficiencies


Upset insulin production, nervousness, irritability, faintness, dizziness, psychotic reactions for seemingly no discernible reason and bodily weakness, depressed growth rate, hardening of the arteries, diabetes




Vegetables: Mushrooms


Fruits and Nuts: Unknown


Meat and Fish: Beef liver and clams.


Grains: Whole-grain breads.


Dairy Products: Unknown



Cobalt deficiencies


Slow growth, various kinds of anemia




Vegetables: Watercress, wax beans, beet roots, cabbage, clover and alfalfa


Fruits and Nuts: Apricots, figs and pears.


Meat and Fish: Liver, kidney, oysters and clams.


Grains: Buckwheat grain and whole-wheat flour.


Dairy Products: Milk



Copper deficiencies


Dyproteinemia, kwashorkor, sprue, celiac disease and hypoproteinemia, bodily weakness, skin sores, labored/impaired breathing




Vegetables: Kidney beans, navy beans, broccoli, corn, lima beans and mushrooms.


Fruits and Nuts: Dried prunes, dried figs, dried currants, avocados, Brazil nuts, filberts, peanut butter, peanuts, pecans, English walnuts and bitter chocolate.


Meat and Fish: Calves' liver, beef liver, lamb chops and codfish.


Grains: Wheat bran, raw oatmeal, rye flour and whole wheat.


Dairy Products: Unknown



Vitamin D deficiencies


Rickets, osteomalacia, endocrine system problems, eye problems, faulty tooth development, constipation, potbelly, pyrorrhea, faulty jaw development, heart problems




Vegetables: Watercress


Fruits and Nuts: Sunflower seeds


Fish and Meat: Chicken Liver and salmon


Grains: Wheat germ


Dairy Products: Yogurt, egg yolks and butter



Vitamin E deficiencies


Degeneration of the cardiopulmonary region, the formation of clots, decreased circulation and strokes, problems with sterility related to cell regeneration and other reproductive disorders in women, such as miscarriages, resorption of the fetus and menopausal ailments, kidney damage, liver damage, pancreas damage, nephritis, pancreatic inflammation, gastrointestinal upsets




Vegetables: Alfalfa, dandelion leaves, nasturtium leaves, soybeans and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Whole raw seeds, nuts and avocados


Fish and Meat: Haddock, kidney, ham and chicken


Grains: Wheat germ


Dairy Products: Unknown



Vitamin F Deficiencies


Vision problems, skin problems, behavior problems, hair loss, kidney damage, liver damage, heart damage, immune system problems, blood clots, tear gland issues, high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol levels




Vegetables: Unknown


Fruits and Nuts: Avocados and sunflower seeds


Fish and Meat: Chicken, pork sausage, pork, canned sardines and tuna.


Grains: Unknown


Dairy Products: Eggs and mayonnaise



Fluorine deficiencies


Poor tooth development and subsequent decay




Vegetables: Cauliflower, sauerkraut, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, green cabbage, onions, beets, endive, parsley sprouts and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Avocado, elderberries, juniper, berries and horse chestnuts.


Meat and Fish: Kidneys.


Grains: Whole wheat and oats.


Dairy Products: Goat's cheese, egg yolks, milk and roquefort cheese



Iodine deficiencies


Hypothyroidism, cold extremities, fatigue, dull pains beneath shoulder blades, enlarged glands around the lower neck area and sides of the neck, dull headaches, little interest in living, slow thinking, slow movements, a puffy face or other parts of the body, a pulse alternating from very slow to racing, swelling of fingers and toes, a dislike for moisture in general, an inability to lose weight and overweight, polio and atherosclerosis




Vegetables: Chard, watercress, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, brussellsprouts, green peppers, kale, lettuce, leeks, mushrooms, onions, potato skins, red cabbage, spinach, savory cabbage and tomatoes.


Fruits and Nuts: Avocados, apples, Bartlett pears, blueberries, oranges, strawberries and sunflower seeds.


Meat and Fish: Lobster, clams, oysters, shrimp, bluefish, mackerel, haddock, cod, halibut, scallops, salmon and to a lesser extent most other sea foods.


Grains: Unknown.



Iron deficiencies


Anemia, exhaustion, depression, general fatigue or lassitude, shortness of breath, pallor of the skin, loss of interest in sex, dizziness, stinging sensation in the head,the heels, bottom of the feet, the fingertips or the shoulder joints, flattened fingernails, a fissured tongue, insomnia at night and sleepiness during day, crying for no reason, painful breathing, poor hearing




Vegetables: Greens, spinach, beets, alfalfa, dried beans, lentils, broccoli, collards, green peas, leeks, mushrooms, onions,

olives, soybeans and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Apples, avocados, blackberries, currants, cherries, loganberries, prunes, pears, plums, peaches, strawberries, watermelon, dates, almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds and carob.


Meat and Fish: Liver, beef, kidney, chicken and lamb.


Grains: Whole grains and brown rice.


Dairy Products: Egg yolks



Vitamin K deficiencies


Decreased clotting time of the blood, excessive bleeding in the muscles, colon or other excessive bleeding in the muscles, colon or other organs, susceptibility to bruising, nosebleeds, miscarriages and anemia, intestinal disorders, diarrhea and colitis




Vegetables: Alfalfa, chestnut leaves, spinach, soybeans, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, carrots and potatoes


Fruits and Nuts: Prunes


Meat and Fish: Pork liver, lean meats and kidney.


Grains: Unknown


Dairy Products: Yogurt and egg yolks



Laetrile deficiencies


Diminished resistance to all forms of cancerous ailments




Vegetables: Mung beans, lima beans, kidney beans, chick peas (garbanzos), black-eyed peas, alfalfa sprouts, mung bean sprouts and garbanzo sprouts.


Fruits and Nuts: Apricot seeds, apple seeds, cherry seeds, nectarine seeds, peach seeds, pear seeds, plum seeds, bitter almonds (not sold in the country), macadamias, cashews, wild blackberries, elderberries, choke cherries and wild cranapples


Fish and Meat: Unknown


Dairy Products: Unknown



Magnesium deficiencies


Sensitivity to noise, a continual state of grief or depression coupled with apprehension, muscles may spasm and jerk while eyes have a tendency to wander, yellowish cast to the white area of the eyeballs, and people may sleep with their eyes open. teeth may be extraordinarily sensitive to moderately cool water,or they may ache for no reason, twitches or tremors in any part of the body, heart may race and then settle back into its normal rhythm, aching neck and should muscles, an allergy to woolen products, bloating of the intestines, gas, bed-wetting,burning sensation in the mouth




Vegetables: Asparagus, beet greens, beets, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, dandelion greens, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, radishes, spinach, savoy cabbage, soybeans, okra, watercress and most leafy green green vegetables.


Fruits and Nuts: Apples, cherries, figs, gooseberries, grapes, lemons, limes, persimmons, plums, pomegranates, peaches, pears, most nuts and seeds and carob.


Meat and Fish: Kidneys


Grains: Oats,buckwheat and raw wheat germ.


Dairy Products: Unknown



Manganese deficiencies


Woman's loss of love for her child after birth, tender nipples, swelling of the lymph glands, crying spells, be testy and argumentative, crackling or popping bones as a person gets up to work or a burning or gripping sensation of the arms or legs, the eyes may become red and swollen even though there was no crying, stunted bone growth in childhood, sterility, impotence, diabetes, Myasthenia Gravis, multiple sclerosis




Vegetables: Lettuce, beets, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes and spinach


Fruits and Nuts: Liver and kidney.


Grains: Wheat germ, linseed meal and cotton seed meal.


Dairy Products: Eggs and cottage cheese.



Molybdenium deficiencies






Vegetables: Legumes


Fruits and Nuts: Unknown


Meat and Fish: Ox liver,pig liver, beef liver, and kidney


Grains: Brown rice and cereal grains, such as oats, wheat, millet and buckwheat


Dairy Products: Cow's milk.



Orotic Acid deficiencies


Liver disorders, cell degeneration, premature aging, Multiple Sclerosis




Vegetables: Root vegetables organically grown.


Fruits and Nuts: Unknown


Fish and Meat: Unknown


Dairy Products: Curdled or soured cow's milk, sheep's milk, goat's milk, pig's milk and horse's milk



PABA deficiencies


Fatigue, general irritablity, headaches, depression




Vegetables: Soybeans


Fruits and Nuts: Peanuts


Fish and Meat: Fish in general and beef liver


Grains: All whole grain products and wheat germ


Dairy Products: Eggs 



Phosphorus deficiencies


Stunted growth, poor tooth development, bone deformation, arthritis, rickets, cavities of the teeth and pyorrhea of the gums, loss of appetite, irregular weight gain or loss for no reason, irregular breath, mental or physical fatigue, vague nervous disorders, loss of muscle tone or numbness of the arms and legs, repeated attacks of bronchitis of jaundice




Vegetables: Lima Beans, brussel sprouts, chickpeas (garbanzos), corn, dandelion greens, lentils, okra, parsnips, peas, soybeans, spinach and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Grapes, apples, avocados, cherries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, pumpkin, passion fruit, plums, raisins, almonds, pecans and walnuts.


Meat and Fish: Veal chops, beef liver, lean beaf, salmon, halibut and oysters


Grains: Oatmeal


Dairy Products: Cheese, egg yolks and milk. 



Potassium deficiencies


Bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, eczema on the feet and legs, headaches at the back of the skull, itchy dry skin, an empty feeling in the pit of the stomach, muscle weakness, pyorrhea, swollen ankles, swollen ovaries, swollen testicles, a general weakness in the female organs, low grade infections, construction of the urethra without any medical cause, water retention, weakened or flabby muscles, distention of the stomach, inability to digest sugar, impaired kidney function, heart may race suddenly and then slow down, extreme sensitivity and irritability, displaying some mental disorientation, continual drain on a person's energy reserves, loss of muscle tone, constipation,loss of peristalsis, excessive formation of gas






Lima beans, endive, soybeans, artichokes, kidney beans, chick peas (garbanzos), dandelion greens, mushrooms, parsnips, potatoes, tomatoes and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Dried apricots, avocados, bananas, dried dates, elderberries, grapefruit, oranges, prunes, raisins, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar aged in wood.


Meat and Fish: Calf liver, goose, Canadian bacon, ham chops, beef liver, roast turkey, veal, haddock, halibut, ocean perch, pike, salmon, sardines, shad and tuna.


Grains: Unknown.


Dairy Products: Skim milk, yogurt and evaporated milk 



Selenium deficiencies


Premature aging




Vegetables: Mushrooms, broccoli, onions and tomatoes.


Fruits and Nuts: Unknown.


Meat and Fish: Tuna and wheat germ.


Dairy Products: Milk and eggs. 



Sodium deficiencies


General weakness, nervous disorders, weight loss, a hunger for salt, cramps and digestive upset, vomiting, elevated blood urea, hysterical behavior, mental depression, hair may begin falling out, there may be loss of smell and glasses may have to be changed often




Vegetables: Carrots, beets, asparagus, romaine lettuce, okra and watercress.


Fruits and Nuts: Watermelon


Fish and Meat: Bacon, ham, salted pork, salted fish and seafood in general.


Grains: Unknown


Dairy Products: Milk, American cheese, cottage cheese and cream cheese



Sulfur deficiencies


Problems involving the cartilage formations such as stiffening and aching joints, hair that becomes dry and brittle, split and broken off fingernails, back or disk problems, poor healing ability, skin problems such as dermatitis




Vegetables: Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, okra, string beans, turnips, radishes, onions, dried peas, kale, chard, watercress and soybeans.


Fruits and Nuts: Nuts in general.


Fish and Meat: Oysters, clams and most meat products.


Grains: Bran and cereals.


Dairy Products: Eggs, cheese



Zinc deficiencies


Skin problems, white spots on fingernails and toenails, loss of taste or smell, brittle hair, dandruff, fatigue, dwarfism, delayed sexual growth, lowered resistance to infections, infertility, sexual interest may lag, underdeveloped gonads, enlarged prostate, cystic fibroids, liver ailments, ulcers, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, heart attacks, mongolism, osteoporosis




Vegetables: Onions, mushrooms and soybeans.


Fruits and Nuts: Pumpkins, sunflower seeds and nuts in general.


Fish and Meat: All organ-type meats, oysters, herring and most other sea foods.


Grain: Wheat bran and wheat germ.


Dairy Products: Milk and eggs


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