Psychiatric Disorders and its symptoms that Dyslexia can be mistaken for
I feel that mental health professionals can misdiagnose people at
times, and they certainly misdiagnosed me! I want to show you the
characteristics of some psychiatric disorders that Dyslexic symptoms
can be mistaken for. I believe that many mental health professionals
label Dyslexics without getting to know them. They just go by
appearances, but as you know, appearances can be deceiving. Dyslexics
are a true paradox. Only a very understanding, perceptive, and
broadminded mental health professional can distinguish a Dyslexic from
a mentally ill person. I do believe that Dyslexics can have mental
illnesses, but some of the mental illnesses and their symptoms can
actually be symptoms and experiences of Dyslexia that include low self
esteem, anxiety, depression, insecurity, feelings of worthlessness,
left/right confusion, slowed reaction time, deficits in the perception
and processing of external stimuli,
phobias,irritability,impulsiveness, problems with concentration or
mind going blank,distractibility, fear of being
evaluated,hypersensitivity to criticism,very sensitive to
environmental circumstances,easily moved to tears,often loses
temper,is often touchy or easily annoyed by others, views self as
socially inept, and other things. I know about these things personally
because I am a Dyslexic who has been unfairly and prematurely labeled
by others for having the previously mentioned symptoms.
I was formerly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, and now I am diagnosed
with Mixed Anxiety Depressive Disorder which is being treated with St
John's Wort and Valerian Root. I feel that the latter diagnosis was
the correct one because I didn't feel that I fit the former diagnosis.
I thank God with all my soul that I finally found a mental health
professional who listened to me when I told her, "mental health
professionals seeing my anxiety as mania is like the normal kids
seeing my learning disability as mental retardation when I was a kid
in special ed....they didn't take time to know me....they just judged
me by the outside". I thanked her for being sensitive enough to
listen to me and give me some consideration. Because of her, I don't
feel so ashamed nor do I feel that I am a freak. Nonetheless, I
strongly believe that my Mixed Anxiety Depressive Disorder resulted
from my experiences as a misunderstood highly sensitive multiethnic
Dyslexic who has strong feelings of failure,inadequacy,being
misunderstood, insecurity, and most of all - being stupid. Instead of
feeling sorry for myself and being a victim, I want to help other
Dyslexics to be understood. We, Dyslexics, don't have to be failures
for we have the potential to be very successful and can make a
positive difference in the world. We shouldn't let others put us down.
I don't believe that we have to take their crap, and so we should
stand our ground and fight back by proving them that they are wrong.
Most of all, we should not be ashamed of ourselves. Let us hold our
heads up high in pride.
Please understand that Dyslexia is not just a severe reading disorder
characterized by reversals. It is a syndrome of many and varied
reading and non-reading symptoms that have to do with
to external stimuli,sensory information, mood,and obsessions. A lot
of these fit under Developtmental Coordination
Disorder,Dyspraxia(coordination and perceptual problems),
ADHD/ADD(attention and hyperactivity problems),Asperger's
Syndrome(some say high functioning autism,pervasive developmental
disorder,emotional blindness), and Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Disorder(inability to correctly process information brought in by the
senses,difficulty responding to certain sensory information) which are
very often are in comorbidity with Dyslexia, and so they are highly
suspected to be part of the Dyslexic Syndrome. My own symptoms fall
under Developmental Coordination Disorder,Dyspraxia,ADD/ADHD,Sensory
Integration Dysfunction Disorder,and Dyslexia.
These are the basic abilities that all Dyslexics share:
they can utilize the brain's ability to alter and create perceptions
they are highly aware of the environment
they are more curious than average
they think mainly in pictures instead of words
they are highly intuitive and insightful
they think and perceive multi-dimensionally(using all the senses)
they can experience thought as reality, and they have vivid
I find Ronald D Davis' definitions of Dyslexia ,Disorientation,
Confusion, and Conceptualization are very interesting. All these have
always been my issues too.
Dyslexia: a type of disorientation caused by a natural cognitive
ability which can replace normal sensory perceptions with
conceptualizations; reading, writing, speaking, or directional
difficulties which stem from disorientations triggered by confusions
regarding symbols. Dyslexia stems from a perceptual talent.
Disorientation: the loss of one's position or direction in relation to
other things; a state of mind in which mental perceptions do not agree
with the true facts and conditions in the environment; in some people,
this is an automatic response to confusion. During a disorientation,
the perceptions are altered.
Orientation: putting oneself in the proper position in relation to the
true facts and conditions; a state of mind in which mental perceptions
agree with the true facts and conditions
Confusion: an overwhelming feeling of blankness. Confusion causes
disorientation in dyslexics.
Conceptualization: an image, idea, thought or concept that is created
in the mind; the act of mentally creating something. Conceptualization
occurs in the mind.
Here are a couple of poems that I wrote to express my feelings of
being a Dyslexic:
I see you ridiculing me
because you think I am a freak.
I say that all this is wrong,
but you continue to put me down.
You call me horrible names
and they hurt me so deeply
that tears trickle down my face,
but you just laugh with no remorse.
It is all a fun game to you
for you enjoy hurting others,
and so you attack those
that are vulnerable.
You are like a ravaging lion
going after its desired prey
and once you get it,
you tear it apart.
You tear me up with your words
which are those of hate and abuse,
and you cut me with no mercy
that my heart aches with shame.
You act like you did nothing wrong
like you never gave anybody trouble
and people refuse to see you
for what you really are.
You are cruel and ruthless.
That is how I see you.
That is what I believe.
Please don't pretend that you aren't.
You have done all that you can
to wound me with your words,
but I am still alive and kicking
even though you still put me down.
I thought things were going to be bad
Then an angel came into my life.
She gave me a vision that I never had.
It had to do with hope and no strife.
I was empowered by this light
that my heart was filled with peace.
I know that my future is bright,
and so now all my sorrows will cease.
I will enjoy life very much
as I chase my never impossible goal
of feeling Success' touch
that will bring peace to my soul.
I can do this with no sweat
because I feel all this power in me
which is something I can't forget
because it was always inside of me
for I had this inner power for so long,
but it was hidden by doubt.
Now I tapped into this energy so strong
that all failure--I cast out.
Psychiatric Disorders and some of their features(From the
DSM-IV....Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders) that
Dyslexic Syndrome and its features can be mistaken for
Mixed Anxiety Depressive Disorder - difficulty concentrating or mind
going blank,fatigue or low energy,irritability,worry,being easily
moved to tears,hypervigilance,anticipating the worst,hopelessness,low
self esteem, feelings of worthlessness
Anxiety Disorder - irritability, restlessness, easily fatigued,
difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, muscle tension, sleep
Social Anxiety Disorder - a marked and persistent fear of one or more
social performance situations in which the person is exposed to
unfamiliar or to possible scrutiny by others, the avoidance or
anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared social or performance
situations interferes significantly with person's normal routine,
occupational functioning, social activities or relationships, or there
is marked distress about having the phobia, fear of evaluation,
hypersensitivity to criticism, low self esteem or feelings of
Major Depressive Disorder - feelings of worthlessness,diminished
ability to think or concentrate,or indecisiveness, irritability
Dysthymic Disorder - low energy or fatigue,low self esteem,poor
concentration or difficulty making decisions,feelings of
hopelessness,social withdrawal,subjective feelings of irritability or
excessive anger, difficulty in thinking, reflected by poor
concentration, poor memory,or indecisiveness
Avoidant Personality Disorder - preoccupied with being criticized or
rejected in social situations, views self as socially inept,personally
unappealing,or inferior to others, shows restraint within intimate
relationships because of fear of being shamed and ridiculed, avoid
occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal
contact, fears of criticism,disapproval,rejection
Bipolar Disorder(also known as Manic Depressive Disorder) -
distractibility, more talkative than usual, moodiness, irritability
Schizophrenia - disorganized speech,anxiety,phobias, left/right
confusion, poor coordination, sometimes physically awkward, deficits
in the perception and processing of sensory stimuli, slowed reaction
Borderline Personality Disorder - very sensitive to environmental
circumstances, irritability, impulsivity, unstable self image,a pervasive
pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image and
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - odd thinking and speech,pervasive
pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute
discomfort with and reduced capacity for close relationships, don't
socialize because of not feeling that he/she doesn't fit in
Dependent Personality Disorder - has difficulty initiating projects or
doing things on his or her own because of lack of self confidence in
judgment or abilities rather than a lack of motivation or energy
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - often loses temper,is often touchy or
easily annoyed by others,is often spiteful or vindictive,is often
angry and resentful
Intermittent Explosive Disorder - several discrete episodes of failure
to resist aggressive impulses that result in serious assaultive acts
or destruction of property, the degree of aggressiveness expressed
during the episodes is grossly out of proportion of any precipitating
Schizoid Personality Disorder - almost always chooses solitary
activities, has little, if any interest in having sexual experiences
with another person, lacks close friends or confidants other than
first degree relatives
Paranoid Personality Disorder - persistently bears grudges, perceive
attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to
others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack, is reluctant
to confide in others because of unwarranted fears that the information
will be used maliciously against him or her, is preoccupied with
unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or
associates, has recurrent suspicions without justification,regarding
fidelity of spouse or sexual partner
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Personality Disorder - recurrent and
persistent thoughts,impulses,or images that are experienced, at some
time during the disturbance,as intrusive and inappropriate and that
cause marked anxiety and distress, preoccupation with
orderliness,perfectionism,and mental and interpersonal control,at the
expense of flexibility,openness,and efficiency