Bipolar And Learning Disabilities
It seems that a lot of learning disabled people can have many of the
Bipolar symptoms. It is not because they have a chemical imbalance. I
believe that they are suffering from being
misunderstood,ridiculed,rejected as well as feeling frustrated.They
are human beings with real feelings, and so they can be hurt like
anybody else. If the learning disabled person is highly sensitive,
then he or she can be deeply hurt. Maybe Bipolar Disorder would
significantly decrease if people were treated a lot better. I feel
that there is a strong connection between Bipolar and Learning
Disabilities. I would call it the Undesirably Special Syndrome. I am
saying that out of sarcasm. I am disgusted that people are getting
unfairly labeled because they are different from the norm. Normal
doesn't mean right. Normal is what the majority thinks is acceptable.
Would you blame a Pre-Civil Rights black kid for being
irritable,moody,aggressive,and oppositional? Would you blame
homosexual people to be that way in anti-gay society? Would you blame
a female to be that way in a society where females have no rights and
respect? Would you blame Christians to be that way in the days of
Emperor Nero of Rome? Would you blame Native Americans to be that way
for being minorities in their own native land? Would you blame
Learning Disabled people to be that way for being accused of being
retarded,lazy,and crazy? I say not just "No"....I say " Hell No!"
We need to look at alternative explanations for why a person has
bipolar symptoms. Maybe ignorance can lead to Bipolar. I believe that
it can in the learning disabled.
AND ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS by me Not all of the symptoms have
alternative explanations Just the ones that I feel can be explained
as challenging life experiences as a learning disabled person
Separation Anxiety - fear of and don't want to go to school, fear of
being around people that will look down on him or her, don't want to
be away from the only people that love,respect,understand and doesn't
ridicule him or her, fear of being bullied at school or other places
Rages and explosive temper tantrums lasting up to several hours -
being provoked, frustration, being picked on, teased, bullied
Marked irritability - being provoked,frustration, being picked on,
stress, being teased, bullied
Oppositional behavior - Frustration, being picked on, teased, bullied,
fighting against what is thought to be wrong, standing up for self,
wishing to make his or her point known and have others understand it,
passion in him or her to fight injustices
Rapid cycling (frequent mood swings, occurring within an hour, a day,
or several days) or mood lability - Frustration, being picked on,
stress, high sensitivity
Distractibility - reactions to external stimuli, high sensitivity,
excessive concentration leading to the stopping of focus from being
tired, preoccupied with what's happening inside
Hyperactivity - anxiety build up, nervousness, excitement, increased
stress, poor or low frustration tolerance
Impulsivity - being provoked, being picked on, teased, bullied,
stress, impatience
Restlessness/fidgetiness - impatience, wanting to get away from people
that are making them uneasy, sensitivity to flourescent and bright
lights, bored, anxiety, nervousness,stress
Silliness, giddiness, goofiness - humor as an escape from stress,
"make fun of yourself before they make fun of you", be the class clown
so people lay off him or her
Racing thoughts - nonstop worrying, accumulation of preoccupied
thoughts that have to do with anxiety and nervousness, quick mind
Aggressive behavior - being provoked,frustration, being picked on,
teased, stress, wishing to make his or her point known and have others
understand it, passion in him or her to fight injustices
Grandiosity - Believing in fantasies of being great because they want
to escape from being somebody that everybody
despises,teases,ridicules,and is ashamed of.....believing in fantasy
of being special in a positive way to escape from being special in a
negative way
Carbohydrate cravings - sweets can make the person feel good,
Risk-taking behaviors - frustration, anger, desperation,being
rebellious, going where nobody has gone before People who start
their own businesses are risk-takers People who save the lives of
others in dangerous situations are risk-takers People who fought for
civil rights were risk-takers
Depressed mood - frustration, being picked on, low self esteem,
stress, feeling rejected, sadness
Lethargy - sick and tired of having a screwed up life,
hopelessness,giving up "Why bother to do anything? I am stupid any
way. "
Low self-esteem - the most common symptom in the learning disabled,
feeling stupid,dumb,or retarded, feeling like he or she won't amount
to anything, feel that he or she doesn't have a future, feeling
Difficulty getting up in the morning - doesn't want to go to school,
doesn't want to be picked on, doesn't want to deal with people that
ridicule the person
Social anxiety - afraid to be evaluated or tested, afraid to be seen
as stupid,retard,and inept by others, afraid to make mistakes in front
of people and be seen as an idiot,moron,retarded,and imbecile,
Oversensitivity to emotional or environmental triggers - just being
highly sensitive, being allergic to certain substances, can be
particular past emotional triggers like past experiences of physical
and verbal abuse, and so the person overreacts when he is hit or being
put down
Bedwetting (especially in boys) - problems with coordination, stress,
poor muscle control
Night terrors - could be from anticipated harm by others, nightmares
of being ridiculed by others
Rapid or pressured speech - anxiety, nervousness,desperate to be
listened to, eager to be heard, feeling the need to get points
across,being passionate people get really tense and agitated
when not being listened to
Excessive Daydreaming - highly imaginative, being bored, fantasizing
about how great if would be to be "normal" and not ridiculed
Obsessional Behavior - preoccupied about doing things that help make
him or her be accepted and/or seen as being intelligent and/or
Compulsive Behavior - preoccupied about doing things that help make
him or her be accepted and/or seen as being intelligent and/or
Motor and vocal tics - could be from coordination and speech problems
Learning disabilities - THIS IS MY ENTIRE POINT! Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Sensory Integration
Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disability,Autism
Poor short-term memory - typical symptom of learning disabilities
Lack of Organization - typical symptom of learning disabilities
Fascinating with gore or morbid topics - reading too many Stephen
King novels! hehehehehe
Hypersexuality - resulting from low self esteem, needing lots of
intimacy with a person to make them feel good, past history of sexual
Manipulative behavior - control issues because of self esteem problems
Extremely bossy behavior with friends/bullying - frustration, being
picked on, low self esteem a person who is bullied might bully
Lying - fear of getting in trouble, pretending to be somebody else,
self - protection, anxiety, lack of trust
Suicidal thoughts - shame,frustration, sick and tired of being
teased,picked on, and ridiculed feels like he or she won't amount to
anything, and so he or she feels that he or she doesn't want to live
any more and complicate others' lives, sick and tired of not being
Destruction of property - frustration, being picked on, stress,
Paranoia - lack of trust, fear of being exposed, suspicious that the
person cannot be trusted, fear from past experiences from being picked
on, feeling persecuted - being picked on, being called names, being
bullied, suffering from prejudice
Hallucinations and delusions - religious and spiritual experiences
that are not understood by others, believing that he or she had
pastlives, any perceptions that conflicts with mainstream views
Migraine headaches
Bingeing - indulging in food to escape from problems of being picked
on, stress...........a lot of people eat out of depression cannot cope
with problems of dealing with inconsiderate,cruel,and ignorant people
Self-mutilating behaviors - low self esteem issues
Cruelty to animals
Please keep in mind that these people aren't necessarily Bipolar.
They could be misdiagnosed. I feel that anybody can be misdiagnosed
Bipolar because Psychiatry is not an infallible science. If you act,
feel, look, believe, think and/or talk in a way that differs from the
norm, there is a possibility that you will be diagnosed as mentally
ill. People with ADD/ADHD have been misdiagnosed Bipolar, and so it
is not surprising that Dyslexia can be misdiagnosed Bipolar because
they often have comorbidity with ADHD/ADD.