My Speech Milestones

 My Speech Milestones

This is a questionnaire about my speech milestones that my mom answered so I can give to Dr. Levinson and Veteran Affairs Neurologists.

 I got it from the book, Understanding Developmental Dyspraxia by Madeleine Portwood. I copied the questions in the book and had my mom answer them and then had her sign it to give to the Dr. Levinson and the Veteran Affairs neurologists.

 Speech Delays/problems are early warning signs of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia,and Autism. 

 In my case, my speech delays were connected to Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. With Dyslexia, it was an issue with language. With Dyspraxia, it was an issue with coordination.

0 - 3 months - cries and makes other vocalizations, gurgles, shouts - yes 

 3-6 months - makes 2+ speech sounds "ooh,aah" - yes

 6-9 months - babbles 4+ syllables - yes

 9-12 months - says mama,dada, uses gestures, shakes head for yes and no - yes 

12 - 18 months - recognizes own name, babbles tunefully, likes rhyme and jingles, uses 20+ clear words and responds to simple request with gestures (pointing) Where is the ball? - no

18 - 24 - vocabulary 50+ words, understands simple sentences, names given objects, eg. car, doll, cup - no <p> </p> 2 -3 years - can repeat and talks in sentences of 6+ syllables eg. My cat is black and white. Uses 2+ descriptive words big,hat, perepositions in,on - no 

 3 - 4 years - takes turns to speak in conversation, was 2+ personal pronouns(my,his), knows 3+ colors,consistently uses plurals - no 

 4 - 5 years - speech intelligible, although some the,u, r confusion, uses sentences at 10+ syllables e.g." I go to school in the car with my Dad." Pronouns and tense used appropriately - no
