Parental Questionnaire That My Mother Did In Regards To My Neurodivergence
Parental Questionnaire
This is a parental questionnaire that my mom answered so I can give to Dr. Levinson and Veteran Affairs Neurologists.
I got it from the book, Understanding Developmental Dyspraxia by Madeleine Portwood. I copied the questions in my book and had my mom answer them and then had her sign it to give to the Dr. Levinson and the Veteran Affairs neurologists.
Background Information
Is there any family incidence of learning disability, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD or diagnosed conditions? My paternal uncle w/ Dyslexia, My brother w/ speech problems and hyperactivity, my niece diagnosed ADHD, Raymond's father had speech/auditory processing problems
Is there any family incidence of allergy, eg. food intolerance, eczema or asthma? my niece, my paternal aunt, my cousin, and I have asthma
Is there a family history of epilepsy or diabetes? My paternal aunt, my great aunt, and I have Diabetes
Is there a family incidence of depression or psychiatric illness? my father had depression and alcoholism, my brother had depression, and I had depression and anxiety
Personal Details
Can you remember whether you had any illness during your pregnancy? measles
How did you your weight progress? went way up
When did you have your scan and was it repeated later during pregnancy?
Were there any concerns? no
Was there anything unusual about the last trimester (6-9 months) no
Did you a maintain a good diet? yes
Did you smoke during pregnancy? no
Did you take any medication? no
Any drugs taken? no
Were there any complications, eg. eclamsia? no
Birth Details
Stage Birth was delivered - 2 1/2 weeks early
Was delivery induced - yes
any indication of fetal distress before birth - no
how long was the labor - 23 hours
any concerns immediately after birth - no
Developmental Profile
Child Presentation
Levels of activity (hyper,hypo) - hypo
feeding (was weight gain appropriate, any evidence of lactose intolerance) yes- weight gain appropriate, no evidence of lactose intolerance
sleeping (settled quickly or very irritable) - settled quickly
was he/she a demanding child? no
Motor skills
sitting independently - 4 months
crawling - 4 months
walking independently - 13 months
Social skills
finger feeding - 6 months
coordinating a knife and fork - 4 years
toilet trained - 3 1/2 years
made initial sounds (m,m-da,da) - 5 to 6 months
able to say 20+ distinguishable words - 5 years
used 3+ words to construct simple phrases - 5 years
Were there any other difficulties during the first 12 months? severe ear infection at 3 months old
Later Development
hearing checked on - 4 yrs old
vision checked on - 4 yrs old
Describe child's fine motor skills - poor
Describe child's gross motor skills - poor
Have there been any problems with health, eg. eczema, asthma? problems with whole milk and put on lowfat milk at 6 months.
At what age and which immunizations have been given?
Has the child had any additional assessment? (pediatrician, speech therapist, physio/occupatonal therapist, optometrist, psychologist) pediatrician, speech therapist, physio/occupational therapist, psychologist
Do you have any additional information?
Nuns in Grace Day preschool noticed problems with Raymond's speech. He was seen by a psychologist at Grace Day preschool, and he ruled out psychological problems. He recommended Raymond to go to Alta Regional Center for speech and hearing. Counselor at Sutter Diagnostic Center said that Raymond had a form of Dyslexia that involved his turning stuff around when he heard it,and so that affected his speech. He was trained to hear things differently. He had intensive speech therapy and motor skills therapy during 3 yrs of special education. He had problems with distinguishing left from right. He started off as a regular student in kindergarten. He was returned to mainstream education class in 3rd grade after 3 yrs of special education. There were no concerns about attention.