My Potential Indicators for High Sensitivity based on 2011 Published 'Contributions of Dopamine-Related Genes and Environmental Factors to Highly Sensitive Personality'

This is a blog post about my potential indicators for high sensitivity. It is based on 2011 Published 'Contributions of Dopamine-Related Genes and Environment Factors to Highly Sensitive Personality'. I am a highly sensitive person, and I have been aware of that for over a couple of decades. Even before I realized that I was a highly sensitive, I've been referred to as sensitive in both positive and negative ways. I am a neurodivergent with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD. I also have Ataxia which is a rare neurological issue. Neurodivergents do happen. I got Elaine Aron's books about high sensitivity in people which led me to create the MSN group The Highly Sensitive People back in 1999. I have done whole genome testing with Dante Labs and Sequencing, and so I checked my genome to check for any possible indicators for high sensitivity. Contributions of Dopamine-Related Genes and Environmental Factors to Highly Sensitive Personality: A Multi-Step Neuronal System-Level...